The difference between “Memorized and Learning Experience

Abdul Aziz Shaghlel

12/28/20231 min read

a person looking out from a cave in the desert
a person looking out from a cave in the desert

"Experience" is a term we hear almost every day, in many areas of our lives. It's needed for finding a job, starting a business, raising children, or even cooking a meal. But what does "experience" really mean? Is it just about following patterns we've learned over the years, or is there more to it?

In this article, I'll compare two types of experience: "Memorized Experience" and "Learning Experience." I'll explain why, especially in leadership and business, it's better to have leaders who learn rather than just rely on years of experience.

Let's define these concepts:

  1. Memorized Experience: This is when leaders rely on their memory of past events and solutions. They remember what happened and what they did, but don't fully understand why things worked out the way they did. As a result, they tend to repeat the same actions, which may not always be effective in new situations.

  2. Learning Experience: Leaders with learning experience really understand their past situations. They know why problems happened, how they solved them, and how to handle new challenges. They don't just remember past events; they learn from them and use this knowledge to make better decisions in the future.

Now, why is learning experience better than memorized experience?

Leaders with just memorized experience can limit a company's growth. For example, if a company in 2021 hires a leader with 20 years of memorized experience, they might find themselves stuck with outdated methods from the 1990s. These leaders often resist new ideas and changes, which are vital for staying relevant and successful.

On the other hand, leaders with learning experience are more adaptable and innovative. They can quickly learn new things and apply them effectively. They're good at coming up with fresh solutions, adapting to changes in the market, and leading different areas of a business. They make decisions based on current information, not just on what worked in the past.