The 3 Golden Rules When Helping Others

Abdul Aziz shaghlel

12/28/20231 min read

two hands
two hands

Helping others is a fundamental aspect of our lives, but it's crucial to do it right. Sometimes, our attempts to help can unintentionally cause more harm than good. To ensure our efforts are truly beneficial, here are three golden rules to follow:

1. Help Because You Want To, Not Because You Feel Obligated: Helping others should come from a place of genuine desire, not out of a sense of duty or for personal gain. If you're helping just because you feel you have to, it can lead to resentment, and the person you're helping may not feel truly supported. The key is to cultivate a sincere desire to help others, to find joy in making someone's life better, and to learn how to transform obligation into voluntary action.

2. Help and Then Let It Go: Once you've helped someone, move on. Don't linger on the act or bring it up in conversation. Act as if it never happened. This approach maintains the purity of your gesture and ensures that the person you helped doesn't feel uncomfortable or indebted. The act of helping should be its own reward, not a topic for discussion or a means to elevate your status.

3. Expect Nothing in Return: When you help someone, do it without expecting anything back. It's a gesture of goodwill, not a transaction. If you anticipate a return on your kindness, it can lead to disappointment and spoil the genuine nature of your help. Think of it like giving a gift freely, without waiting for a thank-you.